Purpose and Theme of Revelation

Published on 16 March 2023 at 09:05


What is the purpose of Revelation? We have already stated that Revelation is apocalyptic literature, the form of the book is visual (visions) and extensively uses symbolism. There is nothing so beautiful as the Revelation to describe the majesty of Jesus Christ. The main purpose of the book is to encourage the militant Church in an age of unthinkable evil and struggle. It was written to encourage the Church to persevere in trials and to show how Christ and his Church are victorious. Jesus is coming again! Not as a babe, but as a mighty conqueror, yet to live in peace and harmony with his people forevermore. The second coming of Jesus should fill us with his joy and peace. Our hearts are glad at his coming again to set everything right under his righteous judgment.

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. Revelation 22:17

Revelation was a stable guide during an age of dramatic change. The kingdom was about to shake. The old covenantal religious system, which had Jerusalem as its central focus, was about to be destroyed. God was establishing a new kingdom, a new nation, a new way, a new “sanctuary”.

The purpose of Revelation is not charts, timelines and the Anti-Christ. The prophecy is a proclamation of the victory of Jesus – it was written to the Church, to preserve their faith, to encourage in times of enormous shaking and fiery trial. A new kingdom would emerge and the old system would fall with finality. Take heart in the shaking, it brings freedom and a new day.


Victory – of Christ and his Church over the Satanic beast system. The book of Revelation shows us that while the enemy appears to be winning, the opposite is true – things are not as they seem. The beast seems victorious as “he” makes war with the saints. Yet the beast system is destroyed by Christ’s victorious reign. The two olive trees (prophets) are killed by the beast and there is rejoicing and gift giving because of their death. But oh how premature that party was! After 3 and ½ days the breath of life entered their bodies and a loud voice from heaven says, “Come up here!”

Throughout Revelation we are told Christ is victorious, a mighty conqueror – he conquers death, Hell, the dragon, beast, false prophet and those that worship the beast. He is King of kings, Lord of lords, and his authority, victory and power last forever! His dominion is forever and ever. And the great news for the Church is we are victorious with him, because of his victory, we are joint heirs in his kingdom. Even when all seems lost, defeat assured, we are victorious conquerors, in the name, power and authority of Jesus Christ!

They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful. Revelation 17:14

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