If God is Sovereign

Published on 16 March 2023 at 09:11

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; Daniel 2:20-21

If you really want to know someone, what do you do? You will talk to them, spend time with them, appreciate and love them. By the same token, if you want to know God, then how will you act toward him? Certainly you will talk to him, listen to him, you will spend time with him and definitely love and appreciate him. If you really want to know God, understand his ways and character, then you can ask a simple question to get to the heart of the matter. If God is sovereign, how do I respond? Meaning, if I truly want to know God and believe he is indeed sovereign, what does this mean for me? How does this change my life and actions? If God is sovereign, then…. You see, there must be a change in perspective and how I live my life, if God truly is sovereign. You must lay down your “sovereignty” and accept the real thing. Do you accept his authority, his sovereignty? If you do, then you must stop taking the reins and doing things your way. If God is sovereign, then…. I will live my life as if He is on throne and not me. And even more than that, no one else is on that throne either! Not government, kings, political leaders, Wall Street executives, nor academics. Jesus Christ is king and no other! When we accept that and live life like we accept it, then we can know God. If I were to look over my life and think, Wow! Look at all the things I have done (or conversely, not done)! Who is in charge and who gets the credit? Me! But if I see my life rightly, then I know that a really BIG hand has guided my life, even against my will. I could never have ended up where I am at my bidding! Nor would I ever have “thought up” my current circumstances! You see, this shows us who is in charge. Yahweh guides our lives even in the midst of our foolishness and even at times when we are working against that loving Hand that determines our life.

When we shake off our arrogance and accept our place under Christ, knowing our every breath is in his hands, then we can humbly know God. There is simply too much of US in cultural Christianity today to know God. We must become less. We must choose to stop staring at ourselves in the mirror. God is already the Almighty, he cannot become more, but our acceptance (or lack thereof) of his authority does not change who he is, not in the least. But our humble acceptance of who God is definitely changes US. If you really desire to know God, really know him, leave all the cultural Meism behind, and see God as he really is. A god you can manipulate is no god at all! A god you command is no god whatsoever! A god who shifts and changes with every cultural man-made whim is not the unchanging Adonai of the Bible. That, my friends, is an idol of our own making. And we worship it like it is a golden image. And truthfully, it is a mirror image, a idolatrous golden image of ourselves. Get real amid the false and fake! You think you got this, but you don’t. God is in control whether you worship him or not. He and he alone will give the commands from heaven, and he and he alone will direct your path.

If God is sovereign, then…

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